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This post is going to be a bit biased, but it might just be one of the greatest things to go up on this site.  Ladies and gentlemen, I’m super proud to present to you, ANOMALY.

ANOMALY is a film that I’ve had a vested interest in since August of last year.  When I first came across the Kickstarter pitch for the film, I was absolutely blown away.  There were so many elements that resonated with me: the humanity expressed, the relation to the Christmas story, and the intertwining ideas of love, creation, and space.  In following the film, I also came to realize that a friend of mine was actually the producer for the film, Jens Jacob.

Conversations ensued and I found myself with the unique opportunity of being a production assistant on set – it was eye-opening.  In many ways, I realize now that being a part of a film like this, a film that draws out emotion and embodies a in-depth story may just have set me on course to create a repository of other media that made me feel the same way – Silo Number Seven.

I love this film, and incredibly grateful for my small contribution to it.  Hope this resonates with you like it did with me.

| Set against the space-race canvas of the 1960’s, Anomaly is inspired by the traditional Christmas Nativity and explores, through a modern-day lens, the events of two-thousand years ago. It is a story about relationships that intertwine around an unprecedented astronomical event, as a couple navigate life’s realities at a time of unfathomable significance. Filmed on location in NYC, Maine, Kansas, and Colorado, the film features Christian Cooke, Lexi Johnson, Andrew Sensenig, and Anthony Lopez.

To be honest, I’m not too sure how to describe this documentary by Ryan Reichenfeld, but I know it left me feeling something.  There’s a bleakness that leads into this empty wondering — it’s interesting and resonated so well that I felt like it should be shared.

| Following Sean as he wakes up at 3:30am to cook burgers at the ‘Jack In The Box’ restaurant, skates around his hometown and goes fishing, at first Reichenfeld’s film may appear like it is about nothing much at all, but it’s this wandering, almost poetic feel that turns out to be its most affecting and resonating features.

via Short of the Week

Another piece of work by The Lincoln Motor Company.  Really great monologue, really great visuals.

| Don’t try to be all things to all people, but rather everything to a certain few. Celebrate the power of  possibility, and don’t forget to break the rules.  Life is a journey, you might be surprised where it can take you.