Absolutely stunning look into the life of a Stormchaser, set to (ironically) what might be the most serene soundtrack. What a play on my emotions!
While not exactly inspiring or moving, I thought this short was a nice little change for this here site! Every so often I come across a story that’s just – whats the word?- pleasant and informative, and makes me consider the art of telling a story. In this case, to think I’ve ridden the subways so much and have never once thought about whose voice might have been used for announcements. What a way to put a face to a voice!
While the epidemic of Ebola may have passed from our minds in the first-world, the reality of the disease still lives on in many countries such as Sierra Leone. With many losing loved ones left and right, it’s sometimes impossible to see how anybody can rise above the situation – Erison is an exception.
“Things are difficult for us, but still we are not dead yet. So I think so long I have a life, I must have a hope.”
Interesting little piece by the folks over at Nature Valley picked up by Ebb Isaac. Great look into what it means to be a kid growing up in a modern world, versus growing up in an age with less technology. I think I grew up in a great balance between the two!
David Foster Wallace was undoubtedly one of the greatest minds of our time, who we ultimately lost way too soon. In the video above, he speaks on worship and what it means to worship different things. It’s an amazing reminder that in a world of self-celebration and personal freedom, there are still those who realize the power and importance of living for others.