|Water is powerful. It can be beautiful and brutal, cleansing and contaminated, lethal and life-giving. Water is essential to life, yet 748 million people in the world still struggle to find it. It’s time to take notice.
(via Charity:Water)
|Water is powerful. It can be beautiful and brutal, cleansing and contaminated, lethal and life-giving. Water is essential to life, yet 748 million people in the world still struggle to find it. It’s time to take notice.
(via Charity:Water)
This past week I had a couple conversations with different people about potential, our purpose as individuals, and what it is that makes us come alive. This visual gem pretty much summed up pretty well – when you know exactly why you were placed on Earth and what it is you’re meant to do, you come alive. Have a good weekend folks!
What started as a seemingly normal ad, ended as a tear-jerker. Wow, I say this over and over and over again – companies that know how to tell a story and create a genuine experience for their customers will ALWAYS go farther in the long run. Not only does this ad promote Samsung, but broader ideas on diversity and communication as well. Loved it, hope it resounds with you as much as it did with me. Have a great weekend folks!